I, Me and Myself

Thursday, July 27, 2006

ramblings of a woman

the cover story on last month's week was on naxalite women. how these women, destered by their husbands, tried to make a difference in their socitey by doing what they thought was right.
made me think.
i am not a feminist and i dont proclaim to be one. true at times i defend women, that s only cos the boys are being stupid!!
i have always stood for women asking for what has been theirs. be it respect at work, at home or in society. and like many other women, i was under the impression that education is the only the way to freedom.
our government has made various provisions for women to have their freedom and sometimes "more than equal" share of benifits.
ladies seats in busses are a very common example. women are given the right or privilage for seats .
the other day i was travelling by bus, wen i got in, i was suprised to see that the men were in the seats marked for women. i have always asked men to get up such situations and they do.some are polite enough to get up and give way but the others have to be asked to.
at the next stop, some other women got in. they looked very educated and well dressed and dignified. one looked longlingly at a seat where a man had occupied and then turned away and kept standing for the rest of her journey.
i felt so sad for her at that point. what is the use of so many women fighting your rights, that you cant open your mouth and claim what is yours.
what is the bloody use of your education?
how hard is it?

Posted by vidi :: 10:07 PM :: 7 wisecracks:

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