I, Me and Myself

Thursday, July 06, 2006

someone stole ma baby

aahgrrrrhhhhh. heard of intuition? The act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition.
heard of women's intuition: the term suggesting that women have this most of the time, probably because of the two sexes they are most likely the ones who actually act on theses " sensing some thing is wrong" motive.
a normal friday morning. i get up all pumped to go to work as it is weekend tomo. as i slip in some extra money into my bag, (i don carry a wallet) i wonder if i should keep it in the inner compartment. chucking away the thought, i ran toward the bus stop. catch the regular " oh my god i cant seem to breathe" bus. i survive the first ride, and get into the next bus.
i paid for the ticket and and for some strange reason the image of my phone passed through my head. so i jus checked if my bag was zipped up. as the bus resumed its bumpy journey i got back into day dreaming. i had this strangely vivid and very detailed premonition that i was on msn messenger and telling my friend that i needed his phone number again as i had lost my phone. first he would shout at me for being careless and ....
"a seat is available there, you can sit", my stream of thought being broken, i pushed people(the men) away and quickly sat down. when i looked down ...horror of horror, the zipper of my bag was undone and my phone was gone. it was truly and really gone. now i can have that conversation with my friend on msn messenger. hey i was psychic! ayo, what was wrong with me...
i jumped from my seat. actually jumped scaring a lot of people and screamed "nan phone hoiythu, nan phone hoyithu". some people started laughing looking at my worried face,( i think it was the kannada) but i managed the dirtiest look possible, and looked around frantically trying to spot who stole my phone. more started laughing at my desperate attepmt, but i was determined enough to stop the bus and check everybody.i know that s not possible, but that s the beauty of being able to express well!! as i pushed people around, a lady pointed to something on lying on the floor of the bus, ma phone!!!!!!
with all the relief surging through, i picked it up and ignored the crowd, who seemed to have gotten their action for the day. the lady next to me suggested that maybe i had dropped the phone instead of putting it into the purse. but i remember zipping up the purse, or did i let it remain open after putting back the change??
well all that did not matter now. i had my phone back and kissed it, (then remembered it was lying on the floor of the bus!! ewee!). but who cared. i got my phone back.
it maybe the oldest model offfered in the world, it may look ugly with the shiny powerpuff sticker on the back, (all shine gone now), and it may say unreachable when the person right next to me tries to call. but still it was my phone. which gave me lot of memories even in the short span of six months.
as i got of the bus, clutching my bag, like no man's business. i thanked god that i at least i realised my phone was missing at the right time. by now, i had convinced myself that i forgotten to close the zipper and had droped my phone. as i reached my office and put my phone back, i found that the money i had put into the same zipper, way inside, was missing, stolen!
i m acting on all intuitions henceforth.

Posted by vidi :: 11:11 PM :: 14 wisecracks:

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