I, Me and Myself

Monday, November 27, 2006

the tech lady speaks...

Past few months I have been “showing off” with my new earned techie talents. I mean, not to long ago, I used mess up trying to switch of the computer and end up re-starting it!! Good friends have had many a laugh and good times at my technically challenged behavior. But not ANYMORE!. Yes times have changed and so have I. Meet the new tech queen in office, who does all the techie inside stuff for her colleagues!

From finding the non-existent BCC option in Microsoft outlook to discovering creative body copies while sending mails, being a fast learner of the “intranet”, teaching a colleague how to work on an excel sheet (yes bhat, I finally mastered it!), mastered the Sony digital voice editor, at least jus about enough to do my work and shine among the others how dint know yet! fixing many tech problems on comp,. most done by sheer luck !! and finding that font windings+ Alt+074 = :) (FINALLY!!!!!)
The cheap thrills included fixing the speakers in the right “green” output !!, teaching everybody in my office, (even boss) how to change his or her display name to some stupid emotion icon on messenger!!…. (told you it was cheap thrills).

know all this stuff is too simple and everybody would know it, but I m not everybody and for a tech challenged journalist who ironically is writing for a tech magazine (talk about IRONY!!) This stuff is just awesome. I was so proud of my own accomplishments! And learnt all by myself!! Yay!!!

For the girl who has been laughed at, jeered and called names for her “lack” of technical common sense, this was the moment of victory. She had come of age, the ugly duckling into the white beautiful swan, well, not quite, but you get the picture… and the day I was going to brag of these proclamations, I discovered that my Num Lock aint lit up.

For the old moi, the tech challenged girl, it would be a run to the engineers and complain like a sissy bout how the comp was messed up and this was not working. But for the new me, it was an adventure. I set out to see what the problem was. After going through the settings of the comp, fixing the keyboard wire, looking for everything possible, I gave up.

At least I had tried my best. I went in a huff to the technical team, trying to complain to them about how I tired everything and yet nothing worked out. The tech lead did not understand! How convenient I said to myself, thinking what a duffer of a tech lead they had.

I had to sit him down and tell him “ look, my num lock is not working, I think there is a problem with my system or key board”.

“What do you mean by your num-lock is not working?” he asked.

aiyo, ende devaame!!, this man is mad and I thought….tech-stupid!…

“look suresh,” I explained to him in childlike manner. “See this light on the keyboard that says num-lock, well it is not lit up on my key board, could you please come and fix it.”

he looked at me thoughtfully, like I was giving him the most unclear picture of what I was trying to say. “How dumb can a person get,” I asked my self!

“You mean its not working despite pressing the num-lock key?” he asked me.

“ oh,.. OHH… I have to hit the key for it to lite up?” shessshhh I cant believe I asked that question!

Well, how dumb can a person get?.. yup, I answered that question.

Well, so much for my short-lived techie build up. To all, (especially my good friends at world space and my tech guru who were mislead by the beginning)… I m still the tech- challenged journalist working for a tech magazine!

Sigh, some things never change :)

Posted by vidi :: 12:15 AM :: 8 wisecracks:

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