I, Me and Myself

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Wow…this past week has been just that ….wow. theater, dance, home, sis, I have no idea how I handled all of it or rather how I got away after bunking them.
But theater was a priority. The show was this week and it was great. Maybe the show was not as great as the last time but then the experiences that came along with it was from quite another level. I have never bonded with so many people and suddenly I am starting to dread leaving college just coz of these people …man …wow….i realized that its just about enjoying the moment and absolutely nothing else.
So here are the few of the outrageous things I did this week.

· Left home for dance before sunrise and came home after play …after sunset (6am to 11pm) for a week. Technically my family did not see me in daylight!!!!!
· Had masala puri and pani puri at 10:30pm on the Austin town roadside with drunk men around me…. Thanks honey!!!
* juggled dance and acting like a pro.....cost me my health but.... whatever...no pian no gain ...right?
· Saw the biggest verbal fight just before show between my twin and altar boy….he he he he that was fun.
· Had the worst makeup on… in my life….looked like shit and even managed to scare myself…..
· had Sweet Chariot Chocolate Cake…twice in a row….yummmmmmmmmmmmmm….
· Went ripping on the Pulsar… and almost banged into a bus……… twice…!!!
· Sat and discussed French and English porn magazines with all my girls while the boys (as usual) avoided being there.
· Ate for 5,200!!!!!!!!!!Need I say more????
· (Hopefully) impressed “HIM”:)…..YES…. he came for the show…and in my bid to impress him..i lost my voice and still haven’t got it back…things u do in love..!!!
· Reached home at 1 in the morning….man was my dad pissed…
· Almost got my education stopped for the above-mentioned reason…thrice!!!! What fun.
· Actually preferred hot clear soup to ice cream…..I KNOW!!!!!!
· Wore red bindis and kajal with pants and went on the streets.!!!! I told the list was of the outrageous things I did.

· Threw all inhibitions to where ever they wanted to go and behaved exactly as I wanted too and gave a flying **** to what people thought…not very unlike me but still…
· Reached the venue at 6:15 for a 7 o clock show….he he he
· Waited alone for more than 30 mins on domlur roadside alone and again alone for 65 mins in college...did i mention alone....!!no book, no distractions...just me and my surroundings...aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ....alone
· Had loads and loads and loads of fun and thousands of memories to last me for a loooooong time.
July 4-july10

Posted by vidi :: 6:50 PM :: 2 wisecracks:

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