"Sunday, June 18, 2006
I felt tears sting my eyes. How could I have possibly got a GPA as low as I did when people less better than me did way better than my pathetic excuse of a result? I’ll never forget how I felt that day. What could I possibly write worth reading? Rejected, bitter, jealous of all who had done better than me. Sad, depressed, deflated, broken.
I stopped writing.
How could I have possibly got a GPA as high as I did? Topper?!!? How can I possibly summarise the journey from then to today in a single sentence, or a single post? How will anybody understand what this means to me? It is not about grades, it never was. Accepted. Elated, astonished.Grateful.Alive, mad happy, mended.
Tears sting my eyes. A full circle.
I start writing…
"Sunday, June 18, 2006