I, Me and Myself
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Wow…this past week has been just that ….wow. theater, dance, home, sis, I have no idea how I handled all of it or rather how I got away after bunking them.
But theater was a priority. The show was this week and it was great. Maybe the show was not as great as the last time but then the experiences that came along with it was from quite another level. I have never bonded with so many people and suddenly I am starting to dread leaving college just coz of these people …man …wow….i realized that its just about enjoying the moment and absolutely nothing else.
So here are the few of the outrageous things I did this week.
· Left home for dance before sunrise and came home after play …after sunset (6am to 11pm) for a week. Technically my family did not see me in daylight!!!!!
· Had masala puri and pani puri at 10:30pm on the Austin town roadside with drunk men around me…. Thanks honey!!!
* juggled dance and acting like a pro.....cost me my health but.... whatever...no pian no gain ...right?
· Saw the biggest verbal fight just before show between my twin and altar boy….he he he he that was fun.
· Had the worst makeup on… in my life….looked like shit and even managed to scare myself…..
· had Sweet Chariot Chocolate Cake…twice in a row….yummmmmmmmmmmmmm….
· Went ripping on the Pulsar… and almost banged into a bus……… twice…!!!
· Sat and discussed French and English porn magazines with all my girls while the boys (as usual) avoided being there.
· Ate for 5,200!!!!!!!!!!Need I say more????
· (Hopefully) impressed “HIM”:)…..YES…. he came for the show…and in my bid to impress him..i lost my voice and still haven’t got it back…things u do in love..!!!
· Reached home at 1 in the morning….man was my dad pissed…
· Almost got my education stopped for the above-mentioned reason…thrice!!!! What fun.
· Actually preferred hot clear soup to ice cream…..I KNOW!!!!!!
· Wore red bindis and kajal with pants and went on the streets.!!!! I told the list was of the outrageous things I did.
· Threw all inhibitions to where ever they wanted to go and behaved exactly as I wanted too and gave a flying **** to what people thought…not very unlike me but still…
· Reached the venue at 6:15 for a 7 o clock show….he he he
· Waited alone for more than 30 mins on domlur roadside alone and again alone for 65 mins in college...did i mention alone....!!no book, no distractions...just me and my surroundings...aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ....alone
· Had loads and loads and loads of fun and thousands of memories to last me for a loooooong time.
July 4-july10
Posted by vidi ::
6:50 PM ::
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hectic hectic
Friday July 1-My schedule has been more than hectic. I have been dancing and acting, sometimes more than I can handle. I leave my house before daylight hits town and only come back home after the sun has set. If this was not enough, I scream and yell at my mum who gets up two hours earlier so that I can have breakfast before I go and have lunch ready for me, shout at my dad who eventually drops me half the way and have no time for friends and then expect them to understand. In a short word, I have been SELFISH. Its strange how u take things for granted. Yesterday was extremely hectic. I left home at 6.30 am and came back only at 9.15 pm.!!!! Take that for more than 12 hours education!!! Everybody had problems staying over and tempers flared. Already I was so stressed about making it two schedules at the same time 2morrow and I had all these people screaming their head off. Finally practice got over only at 9 and I was very sure that my dad was going to stop my education and put me under house arrest …forever. But when I got home with k.mala, my dad did not shout. Neither did my mum, which scared me more. I thought it was coz mala and her mum had just left and they (my parents) did not want to create a scene as I as I had a megaphone voice and everybody outside would hear me scream. But as I wandered around the uneasy silence (it extremely difficult to act normal when u know that u are going to get grounded ..but everybody is acting normal)…my mum asked me what I would like for breakfast for the next morning before I left at 6.30.am!!!!!! that was my reason. I felt so ashamed to think that my parents would not understand me. They have taken all the carp that I have had to offer them over the past two years and yesterday was my wake up call. No matter what.... how many friends you have, how much money you have or even how nice-looking you are, ur the luckiest if u have a supportive family to fall back on in times of stress. I always thought that when I got famous one day and somebody took my interview, I would love to say that I had a difficult childhood and had to struggle like everybody else…who was I kidding. Happiness is not getting everything you want but understanding that you have everything ..what….many would give their lives to have.
We are those kind of kids who would love to complain about our parents for everything because it is so easy to do so….but sometimes I just wonder if anybody else would do everything for us like our parents do. I love to tell my dad that its his duty to take care of his kids and family but I forget how easy it is to not do your duty 100%.
Its funny how things just fall into place. A week before no ray of hope and now of so many possibilities. I guess everything has its own time and way of getting to its deserved place. I believe that life is teaching us something every single second. Be it in the way ur dance practice does not proceed anywhere for more than a week, your theatre turns to more tension and hard work than fun or all ur friends are chessed of with you coz u have no time for them….everything has a reason and if you listen carefully and look closely u’ll find it right in front of you. Maybe the reason why I wrote this article and why ur reading this has some great magical reason…just wait and watch.
This article may not make any sense but then again …………..when have the right things ever made sense???;)It’s strange how things fall into place…..but if you think logically the sun always shines at the end of every night.
Posted by vidi ::
6:43 PM ::
1 wisecracks:
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